
Read the stories of those who drive CETIN Bulgaria.

CETIN Bulgaria and Yettel - Bulgaria has resumed an enduring partnership with the TU of Sofia

On December 14th and 15th 2022 at the Faculty of Telecommunications of TU in Sofia, we held lectures in the field of Telecommunications led by engineers from both organizations. The lectures on the topic "Core network - the heart of the mobile operator" were given in front of a total of thirty Telecommunications students in their 3rd year of studies. 

We thank our speakers - Ivo Tishev (Senior Core Network Engineer, Yettel), Petar Svetiev (Head of Core Network Planning, CETIN) as well as Mihail Nikolov (Senior Core Network Operations Engineer, CETIN) for the operational support. Students and teachers shared with us that the lectures were useful and interesting. 

We hope that this is just the beginning of a successful campaign and future collaborations with the Technical University.