
Read the stories of those who drive CETIN Bulgaria.

CETIN Bulgaria and Yettel - Bulgaria visited the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and the TU of Varna

As part of the effort to support the upcoming telecom experts, CETIN Bulgaria and Yettel.Bulgaria visited the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and the Technical University of Varna in Varna. 

With speakers Petar Svetiev and Mihail Nikolov (CETIN), as well as Ivo Tishev from Yettel, students from both universities were able to take a look into the exciting world of telecommunications and gain valuable insights into the way a mobile network operates. Students and teachers shared that the presentation was useful and insightful. 

The events come as a sequel to the practical exercises conducted by our colleagues from the Varna Field Services team, which took place in late March in front of students from the Naval Academy. 

We thank our speakers and, of course, the students who attended the presentations!